• 706, Shelton Sapphire, Sector 15, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai

We Believe In


Share . Support. Succeed.
Lets Unlock Success Together!

We Believe In


Embrace Knowledge . Embrace Growth. Succeed.
Lets Start Today!

We Believe In

"Traditions + Innovation"

Legacy Meets Vision .
Lets Bridge Heritage with Innovation!

We Believe In


Positivity Fuels Progress .
Lets Fuel Your Journey!

We Believe In


Forge Connections .
Lets Build Our Futures!

We Believe In


Thrive with Accountability .
Lets Lead with Integrity!

We Believe In


Celebrate Milestones. Inspire Greatness.
Lets Elevate Your Achievements!

Let’s TALK


Since 1985

Ready To Give,
‘A New Business Look’?

Whether you're looking to revamp your growth strategy, enhance your business network, or elevate your sales channels, now is the time to take action. Embrace change, innovation, and growth as you embark on this exciting collaboration. Together, let's redefine success and pave the way for a brighter future for your business.


Be a part of this powerful international community where business isn't just conducted—it thrives.

With over 1500+ Cores of business already exchanged among BNI members through referrals, the potential for growth and success is limitless. This unparalleled opportunity to expand your network, increase your referrals, and skyrocket your business to new heights.
Decide on your BNI journey today & unlock your endless possibilities!

BNI Navi Mumbai

What We Believe Is -

Change The Way,
The World Does Business!

Welcome to BNI Navi Mumbai!

A Gateway To Countless Success Stories.

BNI core values reflect our commitment to fostering a supportive and collaborative community where every member is empowered to succeed!

At BNI Navi Mumbai, we believe in the power of relationships and the exponential growth that comes from genuine connections. For over a decade, we have been the driving force behind countless success stories, connecting business professionals and fostering thriving networks that propel businesses to new heights.
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Success Rate


Join us for a BNI Meeting

Visiting a BNI Chapter gives you the chance to connect with quality business professionals from your local community to explore local & global opportunities.

Why BNI Over Everything!

It Matter’s For Every Business!

BNI offers unparalleled opportunities for generating high-quality referrals amongst BNI members, which significantly expands your client base and increases your revenue.

BNI provides a structured environment for business growth and development. Through weekly meetings, BNI trainings and networking events, you gain valuable insights, skills, and resources to enhance your business acumen.

Building trusted relationships is crucial in business, and BNI fosters a like-minded supportive community where members develop strong, long-lasting connections that can propel your business forward.

BNI Connect is an innovative mobile application which offers you an instant access to member directories, your BNI KPI’s, and educational materials, right at your fingertips empowering you to connect globally with fellow BNI members.

As a BNI member, you'll gain exclusive access to a diverse network of professionals across various sectors, enabling new business opportunities & potential collaborations that may not be available through traditional channels.

Let’s TALK
Success Stories

Learn Something About Our Success Stories






Crores of Referral Business


Referrals passed
All Success Stories
Three Ways To Experience BNI Meeting

Succeed Online & Offline

BNI In-Person

A very personal way to meet, connect and grow.

BNI Online

A convenient way to meet, connect and grow from the comfort of your home or office.

BNI Hybrid

The best of both. Meet in-person the first week of the month and the rest online.

Simplifying your Queries

Frequently asked questions

We only take one person per professional specialty. So if you are a residential real estate person and we already have one, we can refer you to another chapter, or allow you to open another chapter. Of course, if you are a commercial real estate person, you could be eligible to join this chapter.

The application asks for references and we have a membership committee that checks them. It’s word of mouth, so before they even come to a meeting they have to have spoken to someone or been invited by someone in the group. Everyone has to have a sponsor, or one is assigned to them, and they interview them.

We have an ethics committee and it is imperative that anyone who gives a lead and finds out it was not satisfactorily handled must report that to the membership committee, who will investigate.

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News & Blogs

The Latest From BNI


The Dos and Don’ts of Networking: Etiquette Tips for Success

(BNI Global)

Tue, 20 June 2023

As a business professional, networking is an essential part of building relationships and growing your business. Whether you’re attending a networking event or meeting with a potential client, how you present yourself and interact with others can make all the difference. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the dos and don’ts of networking, and provide […]


5 Best Practices for Inviting Visitors to Your BNI Chapter Meeting

(BNI Global)

Wed, 31 May 2023

One of the key components of the BNI networking platform is its weekly Chapter meetings, where Members and visitors come together to network and build relationships. As a BNI Member, inviting visitors to your Chapter meeting can lead to many valuable benefits, including increased exposure for your business and enhanced networking and referral opportunities. In […]


3 Reasons More Visitors Mean More Value

(BNI Global)

Wed, 29 November 2023

BNI Members are already committed to giving back to our communities and making a positive impact in the world. It’s in our nature. We also know that social responsibility is good for business. Corporate social responsibility (a.k.a. CSR) is a business approach that delivers economic, social and environmental benefits for all involved. It’s a broad […]

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